Some commonly asked questions (and their answers) about jury duty follow. We hope this will answer any questions you may have. If not, please feel free to contact Tina Carpenter, the Court Administrator.
The telephone number that you call to see if you are required to report is (419) 281-6130. Alternatively, please click below to see the latest jury reporting notification.
Proper dress is required for jurors. No shorts, tank or halter tops, or flip-flops are permitted. You may want to bring a sweater or light jacket with you in the event that you find the Courtroom chilly.
The Court is usually in session from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with a break for lunch around noon that lasts approximately one hour. The Court’s hours, however, depend on what is happening in the trial. When the jury starts to deliberate, you could be here late that evening, depending on what time you start deliberations. The Court may deviate from the normal hours during a trial, so as to not prolong your days of service.
You may park in any number of lots located within a couple of blocks of the Courthouse. There are County and City lots near the Courthouse on Third Street (near Church St), Second Street (near PNC Bank), between Orange and Center Streets (near Job and Family Services), and between Claremont Ave. and Luther Street. A map designating some of those parking locations can be obtained from clicking below.
You are on call for approximately one week. That does not mean you will be needed for the entire week, however, you will need to call the tape recording after 5:00 p.m. each evening, or check Jury Reporting Notification on this page. You will find out then if you need to come in the following morning or when you need to call back or re-check the website notice. If you are seated on a panel, you are still on call. We try not to seat you on more than one jury. This cannot, however, always be avoided.
All persons entering the Courthouse are subject to security screening. Please do NOT bring any cell phones, cameras, computers, net books, pocket knives, scissors, sharp objects, mace or other inappropriate items with you when appear for jury duty. Such items may be held and returned to you at the end of the business day, or at the conclusion of your service. Any bag or purse you bring with you will be subject to a thorough search. You may wish to leave items in your car or at home if you do not wish to have them searched or otherwise separated from your person for lengthy periods of time.
Section 2313.12 of the Ohio Revised Code states: “It is the policy of this state that every qualified citizen has an obligation to serve on petit juries when summoned by the courts of this state unless the citizen is excused as provided in Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code.” There ARE exemptions from jury service outlined in Section 2313.14 of the Ohio Revised Code, including undue or extreme physical or financial hardship. However, undue or extreme physical or financial hardship does not exist solely based on the fact that a prospective juror will be required to be absent from the prospective juror's place of employment. If a juror wishes to be excused for financial hardship, the law requires that the juror provide the Judge with documentation supporting the exemption request. If no documentation is provided to support the exemption request, the Judge may deny the request on that basis alone.
You may obtain an affidavit from the Clerk of Court's office located on the top floor of the Courthouse and at the West end of the hallway. You must check in each day that you are called, in order to receive your jury fee. The current jury compensation rate is $30.00 for each full day of service, and $15.00 for a half-day of service. Please try to remember your juror number when you report to the Clerk's office. You will receive your check for jury service approximately one month following the date of serivce.
Ashland County Common Pleas Court
142 West 2nd Street, Ashland, Ohio 44805, United States